English Dictionary

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 reata reata /riːˈɑːtə/


  1. A long noosed rope used to catch animals  ( lariat , lasso , reata , riata )
    a long noosed rope used to catch animals

 bivalve bivalve /ˈbaɪˌvælv/


  1. (zoology) used of mollusks having two shells (as clams etc.)  ( bivalve , bivalved )
    (zoology) used of mollusks having two shells (as clams etc.)


  1. Marine or freshwater mollusks having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together  ( bivalve , lamellibranch , pelecypod )
    marine or freshwater mollusks having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together

 underbodice underbodice /ˈʌndərˌbɒdɪs/


  1. A short sleeveless undergarment for women  ( camisole , underbodice )
    a short sleeveless undergarment for women

 equine equine /ˈiːˌkwaɪn/


  1. Of or belonging to the family Equidae  ( equine )
    of or belonging to the family Equidae
  2. Resembling a horse  ( equine )
    resembling a horse


  1. Hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck  ( equid , equine )
    hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck